Faith Formation at Grace provides opportunities to ask questions, develop spiritual practices, and understand our own tradition while deepening our relationship to God and our fellow pilgrims of all ages and backgrounds. Please join us as we listen, build community, and tell our stories together.
Events during Lent 2024
The Same Old Way?
Liturgy for a New Year
Wednesday, January 24, 10:00am-noon
Friends, join us for a time of worship, reflection, and friendship. We’ll begin with a lay-led liturgy from the Iona Community about new beginnings and then break into small groups to reflect on our own thoughts and intentions for a new year. Everyone is welcome; come just as you are, whether you’re feeling weary, hopeful, quiet, or social. We’ll have time for coffee and fellowship afterward, so if you’d like, bring a treat to share. For questions, or to be involved, please contact Director of Faith Formation Kim Cockroft at
Wintering Book Group
First four Thursdays in February:
Feb. 1, 8, 15, & 22 at 10am
Join us in discussion of Katherine's May's celebrated memoir, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times. Over the course of a year, May weaves in images of the natural world and winter-centric cultures to explore what “wintering” of the spirit means—and all the treasures we may discover in a seemingly barren season.
All are welcome! For questions, please contact Florrie Munat or Kim Cockroft. Please let Kim know if you'd like a book (suggested donation $13) and a reading schedule.
For those of you who might not have the chance to read the book selections, you are welcome to come with your stories and experiences. Please RSVP.
Tuesday Lenten Soup Evenings
February 20, February 27, March 5,
March 12, March 19, 6:15 – 8:15pm
All are warmly welcomed and encouraged to join us for part or the entirety of our evening together! Childcare will be provided during the liturgy and discussion.
Our evenings will start with a simple, shared meal, followed by evensong, and concluding with a discussion around the book On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg. Copies and reading schedules will be available in the Narthex for a suggested donation of $18. You do not need to read the book to participate in the discussions. For questions, please email Kim.