Holy Week and Easter 2024
Palm Sunday | March 24 at 8 & 9:30am*
Procession of the Palms for all ages at 9:30.
Palm Sunday bulletin
Maundy Thursday | March 28 at 6:30pm
The evening begins with an Agape Meal, followed by Holy Eucharist with foot washing, and Stripping of the Altar. An all-night watch will be kept at the Altar of Repose. Un-designated offerings collected on Maundy Thursday will be given to the Afghan Refugee Resettlement Support ministry. Nursery will be available. Children welcome to participate in the service.
Maundy Thursday bulletin
Keeping Watch – The Altar of Repose
Thursday, 8:30pm thru Friday, 12pm
Come keep watch with the disciples. Sign up at church.
Good Friday, March 29
Noon (spoken, in person) and 7:00pm* (sung, in person and on Zoom)
A solemn service that includes Communion from the reserved Sacrament. The noon service will be spoken with no music. The 7pm service will include music. At both services, all undesignated offerings collected will be given to the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem. No childcare.
Good Friday bulletin
Easter Vigil, March 30 at 7:30pm*
The final act in the Great Three Days liturgy where we celebrate Jesus’ passing from death to life through story, song, prayer, and the first Eucharist of Easter. No childcare.
Easter Vigil bulletin
Easter Day, March 31
5:30am • Lay-led Easter Sunrise Service
This prayer service includes readings and song, following a multi-sensory approach. We begin by a warm fire near the baptismal font, read stories in the narthex that leads us into the “tomb” (the sanctuary). We then conclude the hour-long service by processing outside into the light, and celebrate by eating hot-cross buns.
8:00am (in person) and 10:00am*
Celebration of the Feast of the Resurrection of our Lord.
Coffee hour after each service. Childcare available at both services.
Easter 8am bulletin
Easter 10am bulletin
*in person and Livestream
Click here to find the Zoom link on Grace's Worship page.