Grace Eucharistic Ministers (GEMS)
Grace Lay Eucharist Ministers, known as GEMS here at Grace, are licensed Lay Eucharistic Ministers. GEMs administer the chalices at Eucharist, support our clergy during worship services, and, rather than an altar guild, set the altar table, look after vestments and make certain we have the supplies on hand needed for services. Some GEMS take communion to congregants who are homebound. We meet regularly for training and fellowship. Information: Ruth Blaney Matthews | 206.718.7102
Team Flower
Team Flower's gifted volunteers donate and arrange altar flowers for Sunday worship and decorate Grace at Christmas and Easter. Arranging is done on a rotating basis, with an overall time commitment of roughly five Sundays per year along with holidays.
Information: Jan Jeffcoat | 206.842.5263.
Home Groups
On its designated Sunday, each Grace Home Group has the opportunity to serve as lay ministers and to extend hospitality. We get to do liturgy—we welcome people to church, read the readings, collect the offering, and carry the bread and wine to the altar. After church, we then host a gathering for the whole community, creating a space for community to grow and flourish.
For more information about the activities of Grace Home Groups, or to find out how to become part of a Home Group, visit our Home Groups page.
Starting in 3rd grade, children are invited to participate in our acolyte program. Acolytes help lead our Sunday 9:30 am worship service by lighting candles, leading the procession, and assisting the priest in preparing the communion table. Acolyte training takes place in fall and spring. Acolytes are scheduled to serve about once a month.
Photo by Ronda Broatch.