Read Rooted and Growing: A Strategic Plan for Grace.
Background: Extending the Circle: A Vision for Grace in 2020
For much of 2020, Grace Episcopal Church was engaged in a comprehensive strategic planning effort, with a goal to discern what God is calling Grace to be and do in the next three to five years.
Listening to our community is critical to the success of strategic planning efforts. It helps the parish to understand its current circumstances holistically and to make plans for a robust future in response to God’s call.
As part of that effort, we gathered feedback via:
- A wide range of focus group sessions held between fall 2019 and summer 2020.
- A congregational survey that nearly 200 Grace members completed during the month of June. You can view the Strategic Planning Survey results here.
All of this data informed the strategic plan document. Sincere thanks to everyone who provided feedback in this process. Your faithful participation is essential not only in plan development, but also in its implementation.
The Grace Strategic Planning Committee
Brian Forbush, Judy McKenzie, Tootie Kuhn, Krista Webb, Daphne Davies, Luke Yoder, Kim Cockroft.