Grace Church was born on a sunny Sunday morning in June, 1992, when sixty-five friends met to worship, serve others, and seek a new way to be the church in the world. They took up a collection for prayer books, hymnals, and a very large coffee pot, and set off in faith on a journey that would have surprising results.
The hope and joy that filled that morning have flourished, drawing us together as church community and touching lives around the world. A new building completed in 2003 is a springboard for ministry and an anchor for the lives of all who come to the tall front doors seeking peace, a deeper knowledge of God, and a safe and welcoming place for their children to grow into young adulthood.
In worship and prayer, in service to those who need help and compassion, in song that lifts the heart, and in warm hospitality, Grace Church continues to live joyously and to celebrate fully the life and world God has provided.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 am to 1 pm
Phone: 206.842.9997