Youth at Grace
If you’re looking for a place that welcomes you just as you are, please consider joining our awesome group of youth at Grace.
Youth are invited to join their peers and two adult leaders in the youth room right after the 9:30 service on Sunday. Grab some food and coffee at coffee hour and meet us for a time of conversation and friendship. We’re not afraid to ask questions without answers, and we believe in a God who loves us unconditionally and calls us each by name. We also believe that service is a great way to belong to a community, and we offer ways to get involved here at Grace and beyond.
Our youth have gone on summer pilgrimages, served La Iglesia Episcopal de la Resurección in Mount Vernon, joined the other generations here at Grace for Service Sundays, supported graduating seniors with scholarships, and participated in a multitude of faith-formation opportunities.
To keep updated about additional opportunities for youth, like service projects, trips, and hang-outs, please subscribe to our e-news or contact our Director of Faith Formation at
Youth — We’re making plans!
We’re busy getting the new youth room ready. We’ll be meeting soon and will continue on every Sunday after the conclusion of the 9:30 a.m. service. We are excited! Stay tuned for more news, including our kick-off date. In the meantime, if you’re interested in meaningful service during the 9:30 liturgy, OR if you’re interested in becoming an acolyte, please drop Kim a note.